A Comprehensive Guide on ESMA Guidelines and Validations

Download this ebook to learn about the ESMA guidelines and validations to improve your iXBRL process.

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ESMA Guidelines

A Comprehensive Guide on ESMA Guidelines and Validations

An ebook highlighting guidelines from the ESMA ESEF reporting manual and validations for a smooth IXBRL filing. A perfect handbook for filers who need to prepare their annual reports based on IFRS standards in inline XBRL (iXBRL).

Every ESEF filer knows the importance of complying with ESMA’s guidelines and validations. Get introduced to the most common ESMA guidelines you need to know. This ebook also focuses on nine validation errors and their meaning for you as a filer.

Download this ebook to learn more about:

  • Introduction to inline XBRL (iXBRL)
  • Most Common ESMA guidelines for ESEF iXBRL reporting
  • How to validate your iXBRL document for ESEF compliance?
  • Nine validation errors and their meaning
  • How to deal with warnings while validating your ESEF iXBRL document?
  • And more.

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