IRIS CARBON® & SEMANTICDREAM Help Estoril Sol With Timely ESEF Reporting and Compliance

A case study on how IRIS CARBON® & SEMANTICDREAM helped Estoril Sol, a Portuguese tourism and leisure company, with timely ESEF Compliance.

Customer Profile

Customer Profile

Estoril Sol

Estoril Sol SGPS SA is a leading group of companies in Portugal engaged in the leisure and tourism sector. Headquartered in Estoril, Portugal, Estoril Sol, and its subsidiaries operate gambling licenses, provide gambling services in casinos, and manage real estate properties in the tourism sector. Incorporated in 1958, Estoril Sol runs famous casinos such as Casino Estoril, Casino Lisboa, Casino da Póvoa, and Revista Egoísta.

The companyʼs subsidiaries include Estoril Sol (III) – Turismo Animacao e Jogo SA, Varzim Sol – Turismo Jogo e Animacao SA, Estoril Sol V – Investimentos Imobiliarios SA, DTH – Desenvolvimento Turistico e Hoteleiro SA, Estoril Sol Imobiliaria SA, Chao do Parque Investimentos Imobiliarios SA, Estoril Sol – Investimentos Hoteleiros SA and Estoril Sol e Mar – Investimentos Imobiliarios SA.

Business Challenges

Business Challenges

The Finance team at Estoril Sol SGPS SA was searching for a reliable partner with the right experience who could help them with their ESEF compliance. They wanted the partner to have a solid local presence as well. These were the reasons why they chose SEMANTICDREAM, a leading business/IT consultancy specializing in ESEF compliance, GDPR, OECD, and more. SEMANTICDREAM is IRIS CARBON®ʼs esteemed partner in Portugal.

To sum up, the following business challenges were to be addressed by this partnership

  • Assist Estoril Sol with a quick and smooth ESEF iXBRL reporting and compliance
  • Help the team understand the ESEF mandate and prepare them for compliance
  • Timely and error-free filing of Estoril Sol’s 2021 annual report without challenges

Project Objectives

Project Objectives

With the business challenges clear, IRIS CARBON® and SEMANTICDREAM kicked off the project by laying out the objectives for this ESEF iXBRL compliance project.

Below are the objectives decided upon

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IRIS CARBON® and SEMANTICDREAM approached Estorilʼs ESEF iXBRL preparation with simple 3-step phases as given below:

Phase I the focus was on helping team Estoril Sol understand the mandate and gaining clarity about their specific reporting needs. The team opted for a pilot project to tag their 2020 annual report and their auditors were part of the process. The auditorsʼ review helped the team identify the necessary changes for the 2021 iXBRL conversion.

Phase II of the project focused on helping the companyʼs finance team understand the ESEF mandate and the tagging process in greater detail and from a more practical perspective. The customized training helped the team get acquainted with the steps involved in streamlined ESEF iXBRL compliance.

Phase III of the project focused on converting the company’s 2021 annual report into iXBRL and submitting it to the regulator. Our team offered Estoril Solʼs finance team unlimited expert assistance – which is our USP – throughout the ESEF filing process. The ESEF filing was smooth and error-free without any challenges, which brought delight to the client team.

The highlight of the ESEF project with IRIS CARBON® was the team’s responsiveness – from day one until final submission. The platform is very user-friendly and comes bundled with a non-intrusive commercial contract and effective training programs.

Luís Pedro Lopes
Direcção Administrativa e Financeira

Key Results Achieved

Key Results Achieved

IRIS CARBON® and SEMANTICDREAM successfully helped Team Estoril Sol comply with the ESEF iXBRL mandate for 2021. The client team was happy with the final output and submission results. The training helped the team gain confidence for future filings as well.

Here are the key results delivered for team Estoril Sol

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